Our commitment to local manufacturing in Africa has created a rural-based industry in Uganda and provides meaningful employment to approximately 100 people
of whom are women from marginalized backgrounds.
The construction of our state-of-the-art AFRIpads Factory in 2018 enabled us to grow our team and increase our production capacity to meet the growing demand for our reusable menstrual kits. Our enhanced capacity means we can respond quickly to large volume and urgent orders.
Our investment in this factory demonstrates our deep commitment to Africa-based manufacturing and rural economic development.
We are not your typical factory. We carefully designed our building to be eco-friendly and to create a comfortable, beautiful working environment.
Here are some features we’re really proud of:
Interlocking Soil Stabilization Bricks (ISSB)
Our factory is built using the very soil our factory sits on. This allowed us to use our own natural resources, and better yet, employ local labor to hand-press the bricks. This method removes any need to burn brick, meaning a much lower environmental footprint.
Eco-Friendly Work Space
The architectural design of the building maximizes passive light over direct sunlight and combined this with the dominant direction of the wind. This ensures the space is cool to work in yet still provided good lighting for manufacturing purposes.
Rainwater Harvesting
To ensure we are conscious about our water consumption, we do extensive re-harvesting of rainwater so as not to rely on piped water. The rainwater is collected from our large roof into 3 tanks with the capacity to hold 25,000 liters.