In April, due to COVID 19 Government restrictions implemented within Uganda, our factory employees made the decision to say goodbye to their families for over two months and live on site so we could remain in operation.
Period poverty has been exacerbated globally due to the challenges brought around by COVID but this decision meant that thousands of women and girls could still gain access to much needed menstrual products during the pandemic.
It was a pleasure to work with Kelli Rogers on this Devex piece and we are honoured to call these unsung heroes our colleagues!
Joyce, an AFRIpads Quality Auditor said: “It meant I could keep the factory running. The reason why we want the factory to be open is to provide women and girls with menstrual hygiene services. If the factory is closed, we would lose our jobs, and we would not be able to provide these products to women and girls in need.”
Read full article here.